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Digital transformation, New business model development, Various changes are are accelerated in VUCA era
In line with dramatic changes in the business environment, the forms and roles of corporate organizations are also undergoing significant change.
Many organizations are redefining their missions and visions, changing their mindsets, and changing the competencies of their human resources and the way they are managed.
In addition, as autonomous organizations, which have become a hot topic in recent years, take center stage, the traditional concept of management has been greatly disrupted, and a new management structure is needed to suit the new organizational form.
In order to lay out a concrete action plan for such organizational transformation, it is essential to have a facilitator who is experienced in organizational transformation and problem solving.
Knowledge Sign has supported in many facilitation activities in the following situations
‣Formulate a management vision for the next five years involving board members
‣DX (Digital Transformation) strategy development
‣Support for launching a new business based on digital technology
‣Role transformation of the IT department in line with digital transformation
‣Lay out human resource development plan with a mid- to long-term human resource portfolio strategy
‣Team building in an environment where diverse staff work together
‣Shape a new management system for a new organizational structure
Affluent Practical Knowledge in Meeting Facilitation
In fact, what is called professional facilitation can be classified in the following three areas
‣Training facilitation (in the role of a trainer)
‣Workshop facilitation (discussing general issues within a defined framework)
‣Meeting facilitation (individual problem solving and critical action planning)
And the characteristics of each of these are as follows
Facilitation which Knowledge Sign handles is dominated by meeting facilitation with 60% of all. Knowledge Sign has always been involved in high-level facilitation that requires critical outputs, such as problem-solving for individual corporate issues or mid-term strategy development for departments.
A solution that mixes consulting and facilitation
Knowledge Sign’s organizational transformation and problem-solving facilitation can be described as a solution that mixes consulting and facilitation.
Knowledge Sign’s expertise in this area can be said to be a fusion of consulting know-how that can present best practices in various fields and action plan frameworks, and facilitation know-how that creates outputs based on the client’s awareness through discussions with the client, always from the bottom up.
Knowledge Sign’s areas of expertise include the following topics
‣Company-wide penetration of corporate vision, purpose, vaues
‣Embodiment and visualization of corporate philosophy and standards of conduct
‣Formulation of action plans for concrete implementation of role change in the IT department
‣Restructuring of sales organization to enhance challenging sales
‣Establishment of a medium- to long-term human resource strategy based on the human resource portfolio vision
‣Establishment of a company-wide management development and evaluation system
‣Standardization of business process that ensures required quality
‣Creation of new business model by adapting digital technologies
‣Create a med-term plan by back-casting the vision of what the company wants to achieve in the future.
Please see below for examples of organizational transformation and problem-solving facilitation that Knowledge Sign has assisted in.