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5 Reasons you need Facilitation to enhance your inclusive leadership
For all business leaders, facilitation is a crucial skill to enhance group dynamics and bring more creative outcomes.
Particularly, under the diverse situation, encouraging the group to understand each other and align to common vision is very challenging and significant role of the leaders.
We delivery various types of facilitation skills training to those who aim
1.To help groups focus on a common objective under the diverse situation
2.To assist in planning and making decision for more critical topics
3.To help groups generate and synthesize ideas by borrowing diverse perspective
4.To manage conflict that comes from the different perspectives and interests
5.To encourage the groups to implement action plans by ensuring collaborative environment
What you will learn in facilitation skills training
●Basic process of facilitation
Professional facilitators basically deliver facilitation along with these 4 steps. Firstly, we have to understand the background issue, context behind the facilitation offer and clarify what objectives and goals are.
And then we design the process and deliver. After that, we must debrief how we wen through and make sure what to be developed.
This process applies to all facilitation setting.
●Core practices to demonstrate functional facilitation
How we behave is very important. In order to ensure psychologically safe environment and encourage full participation, facilitators need to demonstrate consistent practices.
You will learn what a facilitator should do and what should not.
●How to design appropriate agenda
Before a facilitator deliver the facilitation, we must design the session process tailored to the objectives, goals and given context.
How to go through in divergence phase, how to lead the convergence phase. Session design is kye success factor of your facilitation. You will learn how to design the whole process.
●How to use effective tools for Divergence and Convergence phase
There are many tools to work effectively in divergence phase and the convergence. You will learn a lot of tools and how to use them effectively.
●How to manage the conflict and the difficult situations
In facilitation session, sometimes facilitator face very difficult situation like serious conflict or problematic behavior. Well experienced facilitators can manage such difficult situation. You will learn the effective approaches adapting psychological effect to address them.
●How to facilitate the cross-cultural group
Nowadays, facilitation for cross-cultural groups is quite usual scene. Facilitators should understand the cultural difference and encourage the groups to accept the diversity and make diverse situation more creative environment.
Based on affluent experiences, we suggest how to facilitate the cross-cultural group.
We tailor the training style to meet your demand
We deliver facilitation skills as in-house training, and also organize open courses. And we can customize the training program to meet client’s needs or constraints.
You can refer to the video which shows what our open course is like.
Testimonial of past attendees
- Hideyuki Yoshioka English/Japanese bilingual facilitator
CEO of Knowledge Signs Inc. As a professional facilitator, Hideyuki has crafted unique methods of facilitation and consulting. Hideyuki has been involved in professional facilitation for over 20 years and facilitated almost a thousand times of meeting.
Hideyuki always commits very critical meetings that require critical outcomes as enterprise mid-term strategies, organizational development plan, digital transformation plan.
And also has plenty of experiences to facilitate cross cultural group.
Hideyuki is always influential to facilitator’s community in Japan as a spearhead to lead new challenges.
Hideyuki has conducted original workshops in IAF Asia conference for three years in a row since 2014.■Certification
IAF CPF(Certified™ Professional Facilitator)Language: Japanese, English
Available: Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, India,other areas in Asia, North America, Eu